
I’m an aspiring writer trying to stay positive and get my writing seen. This blog is mostly for any quick writing I do, short stories, poems, even a few novel excerpts, and the occasional random musing. You can find drafts of my novels on my tumblr (which can be found under my ‘home’ menu item when hovered over) along with the short stories published here and some of my art.

I’m in my early twenties, heading for mid way too fast for comfort, have a beautiful little girl and spend all of my time at home with her. I’m hoping my writing gets enough attention to create a career out of it and help support my family. I also love to draw and hope to be able to illustrate some of my future work.

If you have any interest in my personal life feel free to drop me a message on any of the social networks I have linked on my menu. If you’ve got a prompt idea you’d like to see me write you can submit one under my ‘support’ menu, where you can also find links to my Smashwords account.

If you need some help with your own writing and are having a hard time finding good resources feel free to browse the links under the ‘for writers’ menu item!

I appreciate every follow, comment and like that I get and am so thankful that people are interested in my work.

Thank you all for taking a look at this blog and thank you to everyone who has decided to follow me! It’s truly encouraging to have people think you are worthy of their attention.

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